Manufacture of power distribution cabinets

10 de March de 2023
Manufacture of power distribution cabinets

All companies, factories, establishments, either large or smaller use electricity, and, therefore, electrical tables. From AM Soluciones we will explain what it is, what it is for and many more things that could interest you.

What is the power distribution cabinet for?

The power distribution cabinet, is a fundamental element for any place that has an electricity supply, since, within this are the components of energy control and protection. This is usually at the entrance of the establishment, protected by a small plastic door.

Electric panels serve to ensure that electricity reaches different places of your office or factory safely. In addition, they avoid short circuits and decrease overload risks, protecting people who work in it or are present in the place.

What are the components of the power distribution panel?

The distribution panel consists of several switches, where the most modern can be three or five blocks. In domestic facilities there is usually only one electrical box. On the other hand, in the industrial and larger industrialists there is a main box and there may be some more secondary.

In all electrical frames have at least three types of switches, these being the power control switch (ICP), the differential switch (ID) and the small automatic switches (PIAS). In others, the automatic general switch (IGA) and the surge protector (PCS) are included.

Why is electricity cut in your company?

If you are working and suddenly the light leaves, do not panic. The first thing you have to do is see if your entire area has been cut, or only to your company. If we are in the second case, then, proceed to check the ICP that is within your electrical panel. If the ICP is lowered, the solution is simply to lift it carefully and you will have the electric power back. If this is not your case, then a professional will have to be asked for help, since, it could be due to different reasons.

After knowing the functions of the electrical cabinet, it should be known that a bad installation of these panels can endanger everyone's safety. In AM Soluciones we collaborate with the safety of your company and workers, since, our industrial services are carried out with the greatest commitment, the best quality and team of industrial experts.

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